
Murat Kuzlu

诺福克 , 23529年

Dr. Murat Kuzlu (Senior Member IEEE) joined 工程技术 Department, 2018年担任最靠谱的网赌软件 (ODU)助理教授. 他得了B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph值.D. degrees in Electronics and Telecommunications 工程 in 2001, 2004, and 2010, respectively. 2005年至2006年, he worked as a 全球 Network Product 支持 Engineer at the Nortel Networks, 火鸡. In 2006, he joined the Energy Institute of TUBITAK MAM(Scientific and Technological 研究 Council of 火鸡 The Marmara 研究 Center), 他在哪里做高级研究员. 加入ODU之前, he worked as a 研究 Assistant Professor at Virginia Tech’s Advanced 研究 Institute. 他的研究兴趣包括智能电网, 需求响应, 家庭和建筑能源管理系统, 联合仿真, 区块链, 可解释的人工智能, 无线通信和嵌入式系统.


Cyber-physical系统, 智能电网, 智能城市, 交互能量, 需求响应, 家庭能源管理, 楼宇能源管理, 智能电网通信, 网络安全, 无线通信, 区块链, 可解释的人工智能, 以及嵌入式系统.


拉赫曼,我.库兹鲁,M. 拉赫曼,S. (2018). Power disaggregation of combined HVAC loads using supervised machine learning algorithms. 能源与建筑 172 , pp. 57--66.
Kuzlu, M.拉赫曼,M. Moshiur.; Pipattanasomporn. 拉赫曼,S. (2017). 基于互联网的住宅DR项目交流平台. 专业网络 6 (2) , pp. 25--31.
萨哈,.库兹鲁,M.; Pipattanasomporn. 拉赫曼,S. (2016). Enabling residential 需求响应 applications with a ZigBee-based load controller system. 智能工业系统 2 (4) , pp. 303--318.
王,问.; Pipattanasomporn.库兹鲁,M.,唐,Y.李,Y. 拉赫曼,S. (2016). Framework for vulnerability assessment of communication systems for electric power grids. IET发电、传输& 分布 10 (2) , pp. 477--486.
萨哈,.库兹鲁,M.; Pipattanasomporn.拉赫曼,S.埃尔玛,欧.Selamogullari,美国. S.乌祖诺格鲁,M. Yagcitekin, B. (2015). A robust 楼宇能源管理 algorithm validated in a smart house environment. 智能工业系统 1 (2) , pp. 163--174.
Khamphanchai W.; Pipattanasomporn.库兹鲁,M.张,J. 拉赫曼,S. (2015). An approach for distribution transformer management with a multiagent system. IEEE智能电网学报 6 (3) , pp. 1208--1218.
Kuzlu, M.; Pipattanasomporn. 拉赫曼,S. (2015). 房屋大小的影响, Appliance Ratings and Usage Patterns on Demand Response Applications: A Case-Based Study. 智能工业系统 1 (4) , pp. 345--357.
Kuzlu, M. (2015). Score-based intelligent 家庭能源管理 (HEM) algorithm for 需求响应 applications and impact of HEM operation on customer comfort. IET发电、传输& 分布 9 (7) , pp. 627--635.
Kuzlu, M.; Pipattanasomporn. 拉赫曼,S. (2014). Communication network requirements for major 智能电网 applications in HAN, NAN and WAN. 计算机网络 67 , pp. 74--88.
Pipattanasomporn, M.库兹鲁,M.拉赫曼,S. 和Teklu, Y. (2014). Load profiles of selected major household appliances and their 需求响应 opportunities. IEEE智能电网学报 5 (2) , pp. 742--750.
Pipattanasomporn, M.库兹鲁,M. 拉赫曼,S. (2012). An algorithm for intelligent 家庭能源管理 and 需求响应 analysis. IEEE智能电网学报 3 (4) , pp. 2166--2173.
Kuzlu, M.; Pipattanasomporn. 拉赫曼,S. (2012). Hardware demonstration of a 家庭能源管理 system for 需求响应 applications. IEEE智能电网学报 3 (4) , pp. 1704--1711.
Kuzlu, M.丁塞迪尔,H. 以及其他(2010年). DSP implementation of underwater communication using SSB modulation with random carrier frequencies. 科学研究及论文 5 (10) , pp. 1084--1099.


Kuzlu, M.; Pipattanasompom. 拉赫曼,S. (2017). A comprehensive review of 智能电网 related standards and protocols Smart Grid and Cities Congress and Fair (ICSG), 2017 5th 国际 Istanbul (pp. 12--16).
Adhikari R.,张×.; Pipattanasomporn.库兹鲁,M. 拉赫曼,S. (2017). A data-driven approach for quantifying energy savings in a smart building 权力\& Energy Society Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference (ISGT), 2017 IEEE (pp. 1--5).
Alfadda,.Adhikari R.库兹鲁,M. 拉赫曼,S. (2017). 基于SVR的小时前太阳能光伏发电功率预测方法 权力\& Energy Society Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference (ISGT), 2017 IEEE (pp. 1--5).
Rathinavel K.; Pipattanasomporn.库兹鲁,M. 拉赫曼,S. (2017). Security concerns and countermeasures in IoT-integrated smart buildings 权力\& Energy Society Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference (ISGT), 2017 IEEE (pp. 1--5).
沈,.库兹鲁,M.; Pipattanasomporn.拉赫曼,S. 陈,L. (2016). 一种嵌入式软件平台性能测试方法 自动化中的网络技术, 控制, 及智能系统(网络), 2016年IEEE国际会议 (pp. 135--140).
张,X.; Pipattanasomporn.库兹鲁,M. 拉赫曼,S. (2016). Conceptual framework for a multi-building peak load management system PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe (ISGT-Europe), 2016 IEEE (pp. 1--5).
张,X.Adhikari R.; Pipattanasomporn.库兹鲁,M. 拉赫曼,S. (2016). Deploying IoT devices to make buildings smart: Performance evaluation and deployment experience 物联网(WF-IoT), 2016 IEEE第三届世界论坛 (pp. 530--535).
Adhikari R.; Pipattanasomporn.库兹鲁,M. 拉赫曼,S. (2016). 模拟 study of transactive control strategies for residential HVAC systems PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe (ISGT-Europe), 2016 IEEE (pp. 1--5).
Ramdaspalli,年代.; Pipattanasomporn.库兹鲁,M. 拉赫曼,S. (2016). Transactive control for efficient operation of commercial buildings PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe (ISGT-Europe), 2016 IEEE (pp. 1--5).
Khamphanchai W.; Pipattanasomporn.库兹鲁,M. 拉赫曼,S. (2015). 基于代理的建筑能源管理开源平台 创新智能电网技术-亚洲(ISGT ASIA), 2015 IEEE (pp. 1--6).
Pipattanasomporn, M.库兹鲁,M.W .康班柴.萨哈,A.Rathinavel K. 拉赫曼,S. (2015). BEMOSS: An agent platform to facilitate grid-interactive building operation with IoT devices 创新智能电网技术-亚洲(ISGT ASIA), 2015 IEEE (pp. 1--6).
王,问.; Pipattanasomporn.库兹鲁,M.,唐,Y.李,Y. 拉赫曼,S. (2015). Impact assessment of communication service disruptions in power system applications 权力\& 能源学会大会,2015年IEEE (pp. 1--5).
多根,.库兹鲁,M.; Pipattanasomporn.拉赫曼,S. 和Yalcinoz, T. (2015). Impact of EV charging strategies on peak demand reduction and load factor improvement Electrical and Electronics 工程 (ELECO), 2015 9th 国际会议 (pp. 374--378).
扁,D.库兹鲁,M.; Pipattanasomporn.拉赫曼,S. 吴,Y. (2015). Real-time 联合仿真 platform using OPAL-RT and OPNET for analyzing 智能电网 performance 权力\& 能源学会大会,2015年IEEE (pp. 1--5).
Kuzlu, M.; Pipattanasomporn. 拉赫曼,S. (2015). Review of communication technologies for smart homes/building applications 创新智能电网技术-亚洲(ISGT ASIA), 2015 IEEE (pp. 1--6).
萨哈,.库兹鲁,M.W .康班柴.; Pipattanasomporn.拉赫曼,S.埃尔玛,欧.Selamogullari,美国.乌祖诺格鲁,M. Yagcitekin, B. (2014). A 家庭能源管理 algorithm in a smart house integrated with renewable energy Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe (ISGT-Europe), 2014 IEEE PES (pp. 1--6).
扁,D.库兹鲁,M.; Pipattanasomporn. 拉赫曼,S. (2014). Analysis of communication schemes for Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) PES大会|会议\& 2014 IEEE博览会 (pp. 1--5).
Kuzlu, M. (2014). Assessment of Communication Technologies and Network Requirements for Major Smart Grid Applications.
扁,D.库兹鲁,M.; Pipattanasomporn. 拉赫曼,S. (2014). Assessment of communication technologies for a 家庭能源管理 system Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference (ISGT), 2014 IEEE PES (pp. 1--5).
Khamphanchai W.萨哈,A.Rathinavel K.库兹鲁,M.; Pipattanasomporn.拉赫曼,S.a .; B .. 哈克,J. (2014). Conceptual architecture of 楼宇能源管理 open source software (BEMOSS) Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe (ISGT-Europe), 2014 IEEE PES (pp. 1--6).
Khamphanchai W.库兹鲁,M. Pipattanasomporn, M. (2013). A smart distribution transformer management with multi-agent technologies 智能电网技术(ISGT), 2013 IEEE PES (pp. 1--6).
Kuzlu, M. Pipattanasomporn, M. (2013). Assessment of communication technologies and network requirements for different 智能电网 applications 智能电网技术(ISGT), 2013 IEEE PES (pp. 1--6).
萨哈,.库兹鲁,M. Pipattanasomporn, M. (2013). Demonstration of a 家庭能源管理 system with smart thermostat control 智能电网技术(ISGT), 2013 IEEE PES (pp. 1--6).
Pipattanasomporn, M.库兹鲁,M. 拉赫曼,S. (2012). Demand response implementation in a home area network: A conceptual hardware architecture 智能电网技术(ISGT), 2012 (pp. 1--8).
Kuzlu, M.,哈桑,M.拉赫曼,S. 和丹瑟,H. (2011). Design of wireless smart metering system based on MSP430 MCU and ZigBee for residential application Electrical and Electronics 工程 (ELECO), 2011 7th 国际会议 (pp. II--255).
Kuzlu, M.* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *.Ilker & Yarman, S. B. (2010). B\的阻抗匹配网络设计&K 8104 hydrophone via Direct Computational Technique for underwater communication 微波研讨会(MMS), 2010地中海 (pp. 399--402).
Kadio\uglu, Tevfik, D\.在美国,哈桑和库兹鲁. (2010). 无线传感器网络的定位 Electrical, Electronics and Computer 工程 (ELECO), 2010 National Conference on (pp. 408--413).
Kuzlu, M., D\in\ccer, Hasan, \"Ozt\"urk, Sitki and Kadio\uglu, Tevfik (2010). 数字带通分析滤波器对的实时实现 Electrical, Electronics and Computer 工程 (ELECO), 2010 National Conference on (pp. 626--629).
Kuzlu, M. 《最靠谱的网赌软件》(2009). 用TMS320VC5509A DSK实现水下通信 电气与电子工程,2009. ELECO 2009. 国际会议 (pp. II--199).