绩效管理及策划 & 评价


最靠谱的网赌软件's performance management process is designed to reward employees for their work contributions in a fair and equitable manner. 的 绩效管理流程 is an annual cycle that encompasses three phases:




经理/监事 should observe and document regular ongoing feedback and note exceptional or below contributor performance.


Employee and supervisor collaboratively discuss and evaluate the employee's performance for the past year.


If you have any questions or need any assistance with the evaluation process, please contact 人力资源与员工关系.


10月25日- 10月24日: 的 分类员工绩效年 从10月25日持续到10月24日.

5月1日- 4月30日AP教员表现年 通常是每年的五月到次年的四月.


  • 规划 - Guidelines state that performance planning or objective setting should occur at the beginning of the performance cycle (May - April). 在5月1日之前设定目标.
  • 监控 - 经理/监事 should observe and document regular ongoing feedback of employee performance throughout the performance year (May 1 - April 30).

  • 自我评价 组件强烈推荐.
  • Performance appraisal conference documentation or performance evaluation instruments must be signed and dated by the evaluator and clearly designate the dates of the annual evaluation period as 5月1日到4月30日.
  • Any completed documentation must be submitted to 人力资源 for filing in the employee's official personnel folder.
  • 完成的业绩评估应于 6月1日 并且必须通过电子邮件提交到 apfacultyevals@pulounge.com.
  • 看到 ITS远程计算 用于打印信息和评估文件的打印替代品


To support the Southern Association of 大学 and 学校 (SACS) accreditation process, 要求AP教员存档当前职位描述. 的 beginning of the performance cycle is the ideal time to review and update the position description to ensure duties and responsibilities are accurately reflected.

职位描述早于7月1日, 2016 need to be updated and electronically submitted to HR no later than June 30, 2021. 即使职位描述在7月1日之前没有变化, 2016, please still send the most recently drafted position description to indicate that it is still current. Please change the date on the position description to the date you submit it to HR, 因此,最近的审查日期出现在记录中.

提交所有更新的职位描述至 hrcompclass@pulounge.com. If you have any questions about the position descriptions, please contact the HR 补偿 & 分类 团队.


  • 计划- - - - - - 新员工入职后30天内支付. 每年10月25日到期,并应进入 论文.
  • 监控- - - - - - 经理/监事 should observe and document regular ongoing feedback and note exceptional or below contributor performance throughout the performance year (October 25 - October 24).


  • 经理/监事 are required to rate employee performance at a "Extraordinary Contributor (EC),投稿人(C),或“低于贡献者(BC)”级别.
  • 评定为“EC”或“BC”需要提供文件."
  • Performance Appraisals are due by October 25th annually and should be entered into 论文.


C =贡献者

This rating recognizes work that is at or above the performance standards by meeting and achieving the criteria of the job functions throughout the performance cycle. 员工 at this level are achieving the core responsibilities and performance measures as outlined by the manager.

“贡献者”一词意在传达一种承诺感, 目的, 每个员工都有义务为业绩做出贡献, 无论是通过个人表现还是团队表现. All state employees should take pride in the "contributions" that they make on a daily and long-term basis.


This rating recognizes work that is characterized by exemplary accomplishments throughout the performance cycle and performance that considerably and consistently surpasses the criteria of the job function. 有资格获得杰出贡献者的综合评级, 员工必须至少收到一份文件 杰出贡献致谢 or 即时确认表格 在评级周期中. 然而, receipt of these forms does not guarantee or necessarily warrant an overall rating of Extraordinary Contributor.

BC =下贡献者
This rating recognizes job performance that fails to meet the criteria of the job function. 至少收到一个的雇员 需要改进/不合格性能通知 form OR a Written Notice for any reason may receive an overall rating of Below Contributor on the annual rating. An employee cannot be rated Below Contributor on the annual evaluation if he or she has not received at least one Need Improvement/Substandard Performance form along with an improvement plan (which should have an improvement period of no less than 30 days or more than 180 days) during the performance cycle.

An employee who receives a rating of "Below Contributor" must be re-evaluated by the supervisor and have a performance re-evaluation plan developed within 10 work days of the evaluation meeting. 的 employee will be re-evaluated three months from the date of the original evaluation. If an employee is on approved absence for more than 14 consecutive days during the 3-month re-evaluation period, 这段时间将根据缺勤的总天数延长, 包括前24天. Should the employee receive a re-evaluation rating of "Below Contributor" the supervisor shall demote, 重新分配, 或在3个月的重新评估期结束前终止该员工.



自我评价不是强制性的,但它是 强烈推荐. 监事 should encourage employees to submit a substantive self-evaluation that may include:

  • 在本业绩周期取得重大成就或作出重大贡献;
  • Successful performance of any new tasks or additional duties outside the scope of their regular responsibilities;
  • Factors that have attributed to their professional development this performance cycle;
  • 业绩周期面临的挑战;
  • 即将到来的性能周期的目标.